Container Cafe,Container Restaurant,Container House,Shipping Container Houses,Cafe Container,Container Cafe Jakarta,Container Cafe malaysia,Pop-up Coffee shop,Tradeshow Container

Inside The Container Cafe-Tawau sabah-Malaysia

 Cafe Container Malaysia

The Container Cafe,Here it is fill; my very foremost localized hipster café meet! Gosh I secure old when I say that. Granted, there aren't that some hipster café existence opened here in fresh old Tawau before (until real fresh when they prefab their unforeseen appearances all over). I did a minuscule dig (via Google of class) and open out that it implies 'trendy cafes which are deemed a popular area for youngsters'. Well… alright then… Shall we propose on to the effective café yes?

So the Container Café is just what you would've foretold a hipster café should be. They'd ticked all the boxes; a uncomparable base (it's set at the rearward select of Taman Emas (come Fujimart)'s lonesome row shops - and with teemingness of selfie potentials to resuscitate), style construct (the place was part prefab from industrialized containers - thence the itemize), southwestern food (as of now, the choices of food power be a bit constricted) and coffee (recovered duh!). If I'm not wrong, the café had upright opened its doors for all sometime ending period so it is forgivable for them to works be tweaking their food here and there. Because when we'd ordered their Spaghetti Bolognese and virile buirdly smell while the latter's sauce was a bit bland (but I do appreciate the fact that they did their own bray potatoes, flatbottomed tho' it was rattling unexciting). But I perfectly worshipped their Brownness Waffle, as it was tender without being too uphill or bitterness
 Container cafe-malaysia
with a good spread of Nutella on top of them, plus a tasty scoop of vanilla ice-cream. I also like their orange juice (they did not add any sugar, just 100% original juice so it was sour as hell – my kind of juice indeed!).Before patronizing however, I do advise you guys to check out their FB page first, as they’re still in semi-renovation mode from time to time, and to check out for their off days. Also, do be extra careful while parking as the back alley (it’s unavoidable since the café is located at the back side of the shops) since it can be extra dark at night.

Let us now move on to something else…

Food – 3/5 (hey, I’m still going to give them another try later)
Price – 3/5 (what you would’ve expected from such a place)
Service – 3/5 (they really should find more help though)
Décor – 5/5 (two thumbs up for overall creativity, although the café is smaller than shown in the pictures)
Location – 3/5 (this can be a bit tricky; maybe they should put a signage somewhere around the round-a-bout area going into Taman Emas-container cafe in malaysia,) 

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